Congratulations! You’ve finally decided it’s time for a new roof. Your home will be hectic for a few days, and unfortunately it will be messy and loud. I’m going to give you the low-down on what you can expect to happen.
What To Expect
First, the roofers will deliver the new shingles to your house. They will also be bringing a dumpster to your driveway to throw away the rubble from the old roof. There’s a lot of garbage to dispose of when removing a roof. They might have to park more than one vehicle near your home.
The roofing contractors might also bring port-a-potties so that they don’t have to come inside to use the bathroom in your home (and mess up the inside of your house) while they are working. To keep your yard clean, the roofers will most likely cover up your trees and any other plants in your yard.
Source: Ryan Dingman
Did I mention the mess? It’s common for debris to land in the attic or on the ground around your home. It is normal on a total resheet or when plywood is replaced for debris to drop into the attic. The reason it will be so noisy is because the roofers will use brooms, wheelbarrows, shovels and tools to get the substrate clean enough to install a new roof. The decibel level depends on what kind of roofing material is used. Shingles that must be nailed down will be louder than other kinds of roof materials.
You may be wondering if there’s anything you can do to make the transition go smoothly. Well, you’re in luck! Today I’m going to discuss what you as a homeowner can do to prepare for a roof replacement.
Inside Your Home
Cover any items that you want to protect from dust falling from the ceiling. During construction, you never know what might get knocked loose. To play it safe, cover up your clothing, furniture and bedding.
Remove any chandeliers, paintings, mirrors, knick-knack shelves, collectible china, or other objects hanging from the walls to prevent them from falling and shattering during construction.
Source: Pottery Barn
Continue reading about how you should prepare the outside of your home.